As the Pastor of Highest Praise Apostolic Church, I know in my heart that every organization has to be properly organiced, in order to function well. We must know God’s plan and keep His law, by organizing the body of Christ according to godly principles.
Myvision for this church is to see it filled with many souls, which I know god is sending our way. To accomplish my vision, it is going to take prayer, fasting, faith, hope and charity. Which I and the church has abundance of. We will make this happen by working together in perfect harmony. this task may seem to be impossible, but I know that all things are possible with our Lord Jesus Christ.
MyMission is a purpose driven strategy to fulfil God’s utlimate purpose of saving the lost. Purpose driven strategy will bring people to spiritual maturity, equip them to minister in our communities, and send them into a lost and dying world to lead others to Christ, which will bring glory to god. My mission is to have the church structured around a purpose driven goal, which will ensure balance and give equal emphasis to the following New Testament principles: Commitment, Love, Unity, Faithfulness, Charity, Consistency, and Loyalty.